Programs Schedule

Jodian Riley
With Jodian-Tuesday and Thursday at 12:30- 2:00pm This is a (W)holistic approach with host, Jodian Riley. Come and learn new ways of how to unlearn bad habits, every Tuesday and Thursday at 12:30- 2:00pm.The food you eat tells today will tell on you tomorrow. Join Jodian as she shares the healing wonders of food. Believe it or not, it does not have to be expensive to live (w)holistically.

Dianna Wright
With Dianna Wright - Saturday- Saturday 3:00p - 5:00p EST Join Dianna Wright on her musical journey as she explores the wonders of music, motivation and poetry. Get inspired with motivational quotes and real life experiences. We cover every aspect of life, marriage, love, music, entrepreneurships, healing, and so much more.

With I-maa-ra - PROGRAM DATE TBD Check out I-maa-ra for a vibrant and empowering discussion on Lifestyle and cultures. Come and vybe with the man who has experienced the many moons of life. He has life-rewarding stories to tell. He will make you think. He will make you want to do better, if not for yourself, for tomorrow's children.

Writing on the Wall
With Bunni Izik - Saturdays and Sundays 7pm-8:30pm This is one of the oldest artforms from Mesopotamia era to now. Its the scribes ink, the nobles letters and the sages wages. This is how history was preserved so that you and I can get a glimpse of the past. Poetry with our without music has championed every new development i the world of art. It tells your truth like nothing else can. It is therapeutic in every sense. Come and bask in it.
Bunny Izik
With Allan Lewis - Saturdays and Sundays 6:30p - 8:30p - We are all spirit, soul and body. Come and experience the balance in the three. Life was never meant to be lived in a vacuum. Many people lost their equilibrium when they decide that one aspect of their life is more important than the other. Although a triangle does not stand on four equal sides, it still finds balance, because all its sides are equal. So no matter where you are in life, don't compare your triangle with someone else's square, just know that you can find balance in all angles of your life if you give them equal attention.

Allan Lewis

With Saar - Saturdays & Sundays 7:30- 8"30p. "If you read a book from the end, you will never enjoy the thrill of the plot." Get you know the singers that influence you. Learn about their lifestyles and how they got were they are or were. Listen to the challenges and hurdles they overcame to give you great music. It makes a difference when you move beyond the mundane episodes of what you think makes a person great, and learn about the man or woman behind the voice you love. Get to know your artistes; the things you learn here may surprise you and change your outlook for good.
Saar Sayyid
Join us for music, spoken word, motivation and community talks, everyday of the week 24/7.
send us a message on the contact us page or give us a call on to request a song, or to make a contribution to the station.
(980) 550-8810 - USA (980)-474-0882 WHATSAPP
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