Writing on the Wall
With Bunni Izik - Saturdays and Sundays 7pm-8:30pm EST Poetry is is one of the oldest artforms from Mesopotamia era to now. Its the scribes ink, the nobles letters and the sages wages. This is how history was preserved so that you and I can get a glimpse of the past. Poetry with our without music has championed every new development i the world of art. It tells your truth like nothing else can. It is therapeutic in every sense. Come and bask in it.
Bunni Izik's Schedule
Join us for music, spoken word, motivation and community talks, everyday of the week 24/7.
send us a message on the contact us page or give us a call on to request a song, or to make a contribution to the station.
(980) 550-8810 - USA (980)-474-0882 WHATSAPP
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